About granting access through facility codes with offline Mercury SIO boards

2024-04-11Last updated

Learn about how access decisions are affected when you configure access to only be granted to credentials with specific card formats and facility codes when the SIO board loses connection with the Mercury controller.

  • By default, Synergis Softwire supports up to eight card formats per Mercury controller. Each facility code that you add counts as one card format, even if the facility codes are configured for the same card format.
    Note: To increase the number of supported card formats to 16, you can disable the Magstripe support option under the Advances settings section on the Mercury controller settings page. Magstripe is not supported when the Facility code option is selected as the door behavior for offline SIO boards, even if you enable the Magstripe support option.
  • When the SIO board loses connection with the Mercury controller, and no card formats or facility codes are added in the Synergis™ Appliance Portal, the doors that the SIO board controls become locked, regardless of the state that they were in before the connection was lost.
  • The following occurs when a credential is valid in Security Center, but its facility code is not added in the Synergis Appliance Portal:
    • If the Mercury controller disconnects from the Synergis Cloud Link unit, access is denied.
    • If the Mercury controller is connected to the Synergis Cloud Link unit, access is granted.

Mercury native area control, host decision handoff, and antipassback

When you configure the door behavior for offline SIO boards to use facility codes to grant access, access decisions vary based on what other features are enabled and how they work together.

In this example, the following is assumed:
  • The Facility code option is selected as the door behavior for offline SIO boards in the Synergis Appliance Portal.
  • Cardholder 1 has a credential with a facility code that is added in the Synergis Appliance Portal.
  • Cardholder 2 has a credential with a facility code that is not added in the Synergis Appliance Portal.
  • Antipassback is applied on the areas that the cardholders are trying to access.
  • The Mercury controller is disconnected from the Synergis Cloud Link unit.
Setting in the Synergis Appliance Portal
Mercury native area control Disable host decision handoff (offline mode) Access decision after badging at the door again
Disabled Disabled
  • Cardholder 1 gets an antipassback violation.
  • Cardholder 2 gets an antipassback violation.
Disabled Enabled
  • Antipassback does not work.
Enabled Disabled
  • Cardholder 1 gets an antipassback violation.
  • Cardholder 2 is denied access.
Enabled Enabled
  • Cardholder 1 gets an antipassback violation.
  • Cardholder 2 is denied access.