Configuring and enrolling STid readers that use the SSCP protocol
2024-10-08Last updated
For the Synergis™ unit to communicate with the
STid readers connected to it, you must configure and enroll the readers in the Synergis™ Appliance Portal.
Before you begin
Make sure your STid reader firmware is up to date and supported by Synergis™ Softwire.
What you should know
If you’re installing STid readers on adjacent turnstiles, it's not recommended to
connect more than two readers to the same RS-485 channel because it increases the controller’s
response time and the chance of two or more cards being presented at the same time is high.
For conventional doors, you can install up to four readers per bus.
Log on to the
Synergis Cloud Link unit.
Click Configuration
> Hardware.
At the top of the Hardware column, click
Add ().
In the Add hardware dialog box, select SSCP
as the Hardware type.
Under SSCP protocol version, select either
V1 or V2, depending on which protocol the
reader supports.
Set the Bits per second and Physical
address (1 - 127).
The Bits per second rate is a channel property, and follows the
bit rate of the last interface module added to the channel. The default bit rate is 38,400
bps. Higher bit rates improve card read time at the cost of maximum wiring
Click Add.
The port, bit rate, and physical address for the reader are configured in
Synergis Softwire.
(Optional) If you’re using the V1 protocol version, select a
communications mode:
Select the reader at the address you configured and click
Edit ().
From the Communication mode list, select a mode:
Plain (default mode)
Encrypted (private communications)
Signed (authenticated communications)
Encrypted and signed (both private and authenticated communications)
Note: If you’re using V2, then only the Encrypted
and signed option is available.
The Tamper erases keys option is active by default, and
erases all on-board keys if the unit is tampered with.
Click Save.
From the hardware tree, select the interface you configured and click
Edit ().
In the dialog box that opens, select the Programming mode
checkbox and click Save.
The system programs the reader with your physical address and bit rate
Select the interface and click Edit ().
Clear the Programming mode checkbox and click
Repeat the procedure to add the remaining readers one at a time, and one reader per
Note: If you’re adding multiple readers to one port, use a free port to configure them one
by one before connecting them to their target port.