Enrolling DDS RS-485 controllers on the Synergis unit
2024-11-04Last updated
For the Synergis™ unit to communicate with the DDS controllers connected to its RS-485
interface, you must enroll them on the Synergis unit with the Synergis™ Appliance
Before you begin
Connect the DDS modules to the Synergis unit's RS-485 channels
(1 - 4) as follows:
Connect the Rx\L of the DDS module to the "-" of the channel.
Connect the Tx\H of the DDS module to the "+" of the channel.
Connect the 0v of the DDS module to the "G" of the channel.
Log on to the
Synergis Cloud Link unit.
Click Configuration
> Hardware.
At the top of the Hardware column, click
Add ().
In the Add hardware dialog box, select DDS
as the Hardware type.
Select the Channel(1 - 4).
All interface modules connected to the same channel must be from the same
In the same dialog box, add all interface modules connected to the same channel.
Do one of the following:
To enroll manually, select the Interface module type from the
list, enter the physical address (0 - 31) configured on the DDS module, and then click
Add ().
Repeat as necessary to configure all modules connected to the
same channel.
To enroll automatically, click Scan.
The scan feature finds
and enrolls all interface modules from the same manufacturer that are connected to
the same channel.