2016-12-07Last updated
All TPL modules connected to the same RS-485 channel or found on the same LAN must use
different physical addresses.
What you should know
The physical address of a TPL door controller is set using two sets of DIP switches,
DS2 and JP4. If you have an TCP/IP extension board attached to the TPL controller board, you
must first remove it before you can access the DIP switches.
Set DS2/1 to 1 or ON.
Set the physical address on JP4 according to the following tables.
Note: JP4 (6, 7, 8) are used to set the reader communication protocol. For example, for
Wiegand to read up to 50 bits without parity check, set JP4/7 to 1 or ON, and DS2/4 to 1
or ON. For more information, see the documentation from DDS corresponding to your
specific device.