access control unit
An access control unit entity represents an intelligent
access control device, such as a Synergis™
appliance, an Axis Powered by Genetec door controller, or an HID network controller,
that communicates directly with the Access Manager over an IP network. An access control
unit operates autonomously when it is disconnected from the Access
Also known as: door
Access Manager
The Access Manager role manages and monitors access
control units on the system.
access rule
An access rule entity defines a list of cardholders to whom
access is either granted or denied based on a schedule. Access rules can be applied to
secured areas and doors for entries and exits, or to intrusion detection areas for
arming and disarming.
all open rule
When applied to areas, doors, and elevators, the all open
rule grants access to all cardholders at all times.
Antipassback is an access restriction placed on a secured
area that prevents a cardholder from entering an area that they have not yet exited
from, and vice versa.
automation engine
Automation engine is the Synergis™ Softwire feature
that executes rules, similar to event-to-actions in Security Center. Automation engine
works even when the Synergis™ unit is disconnected from its Access
A cardholder entity represents a person who can enter and
exit secured areas by virtue of their credentials (typically access cards) and whose
activities can be tracked.
A credential entity represents a proximity card, a biometrics
template, or a PIN required to gain access to a secured area. A credential can only be
assigned to one cardholder at a time.
degraded mode
Degraded mode is an offline operation mode of the interface
module when the connection to the Synergis™ unit
is lost. The interface module grants access to all credentials matching a specified
facility code.
dependent mode
Dependent mode is an online operation mode of the
interface module where the Synergis™ unit makes all access control decisions. Not all
interface modules can operate in dependent mode.
double-badge activation
With double-badge activation, also known as
double-swipe activation, an authorized cardholder can unlock a door and trigger actions
by badging twice. The door remains unlocked until the next double-badge
F2F protocol
The F2F protocol is a proprietary Casi Rusco reader protocol. F2F is
a one-wire protocol, as opposed to two wires in the cases of Wiegand or
first-person-in rule
The first-person-in rule is the additional access
restriction placed on a secured area that prevents anyone from entering the area until a
supervisor is on site. The restriction can be enforced when there is free access (on
door unlock schedules) and when there is controlled access (on access
global antipassback
Global antipassback is a feature that extends the
antipassback restrictions to areas controlled by multiple Synergis™
hardware zone
A hardware zone is a zone entity in which the I/O linking is
executed by a single access control unit. A hardware zone works independently of the
Access Manager, and consequently, cannot be armed or disarmed from Security Desk.
interface module
An interface module is a third-party security device that
communicates with an access control unit over IP or RS-485, and provides additional
input, output, and reader connections to the unit.
An interlock (also known as sally port or airlock) is an
access restriction placed on a secured area that permits only one perimeter door to be
open at any given time.
I/O linking
I/O (input/output) linking is controlling an output relay based on
the combined state (normal, active, or trouble) of a group of monitored inputs. A
standard application is to sound a buzzer (through an output relay) when any window on
the ground floor of a building is shattered (assuming that each window is monitored by a
"glass break" sensor connected to an input).
I/O zone
An I/O zone is a zone entity in which the I/O linking can be
spread across multiple Synergis™ units, while one unit acts as the master unit. All
Synergis™ units involved in an I/O zone must be managed by the same Access Manager. The
I/O zone works independently of the Access Manager, but ceases to function if the master
unit is down. An I/O zone can be armed and disarmed from Security Desk as long as the
master unit is online.
lockdown rule
The lockdown rule is a permanent access rule that denies
access to all cardholders at all times, and can be used as an exception to rules that
grant access.
mobile credential
A mobile credential is a credential on a smartphone that uses
Bluetooth or Near Field Communication (NFC) technology to access secured
secured area
A secured area is an area entity that represents a
physical location where access is controlled. A secured area consists of perimeter doors
(doors used to enter and exit the area) and access restrictions (rules governing the
access to the area).
security clearance
A security clearance is a numerical value used to further
restrict the access to an area when a threat level is in effect. Cardholders can only
enter an area if their security clearance is equal or higher than the minimum security
clearance set on the area.
standalone mode
Standalone mode is an operation mode where the interface
module makes autonomous decisions based on the access control settings previously
downloaded from the Synergis™ unit. When the module is online, activity reporting occurs
live. When the module is offline, activity reporting occurs on schedule, or when the
connection to the unit is available. Not all interface modules can operate in standalone
strict antipassback
A strict antipassback is an antipassback option. When
enabled, a passback event is generated when a cardholder attempts to leave an area that
they were never granted access to. When disabled, Security Center only generates
passback events for cardholders entering an area that they never exited.
supervised mode
Supervised mode is an online operation mode of the
interface module where the interface module makes decisions based on the access control
settings previously downloaded from the Synergis™ unit. The interface module reports its
activities in real time to the unit, and allows the unit to override a decision if it
contradicts the current settings in the unit. Not all interface modules can operate in
supervised mode.
Synergis™ appliance
A Synergis™
appliance is an IP-ready security appliance manufactured by Genetec Inc. that is dedicated to access control
functions. All Synergis™ appliances come
pre-installed with Synergis™ Softwire and are enrolled as
access control units in Security Center.
Synergis™ Appliance Portal
The Synergis™ Appliance Portal
is the web-based administration tool used to configure and administer the Synergis™ appliance and upgrade its
Synergis™ Cloud Link
The Synergis™ Cloud Link is an intelligent,
PoE-enabled access control appliance that supports various third-party interface modules
over IP and RS-485.
Synergis™ key store
The Synergis™ key store is a database that holds
transparent reader keys, ReaderKc and ReaderKs keys for STid readers, and
the SAM LockUnlock key for Synergis™ units with the optional expansion module. Keys in
the database cannot be viewed or read, but can be verified using key
Synergis™ Softwire
Synergis™ Softwire is the
access control software developed by Genetec Inc. to run on various IP-ready security
appliances. Synergis™ Softwire lets these appliances
communicate with third-party interface modules. A security appliance running Synergis™ Softwire is enrolled as an access control unit in
Security Center.
Synergis™ unit
A Synergis™ unit is a Synergis™ appliance that is
enrolled as an access control unit in Security Center.
threat level
A threat level warns system users of changing security
conditions, such as a fire or a shooting, in a specific area or the entire system.
Specific handling procedures can be automatically applied when a threat level is raised
or canceled.
two-person rule
The two-person rule is the access restriction placed on a door
that requires two cardholders (including visitors) to present their credentials within a
certain delay of each other in order to gain access.
unit synchronization
Unit synchronization is the process of downloading
the latest Security Center settings to an access control unit. These settings, such as
access rules, cardholders, credentials, unlock schedules, and so on, are required so
that the unit can make accurate and autonomous decisions in the absence of the Access
unlock schedule
An unlock schedule defines the periods of time when free access
is granted through an access point (door side or elevator floor).
visitor escort rule
The visitor escort rule is the additional access
restriction placed on a secured area that requires visitors to be escorted by a
cardholder during their stay. Visitors who have a host are not granted access through
access points until both they and their assigned host (cardholder) present their
credentials within a certain delay.
X.509 certificate
X.509 certificate and digital certificate are
synonyms. In Security Center, these two terms
are used interchangeably.
A zone is an entity that monitors a set of inputs and triggers
events based on their combined states. These events can be used to control output