Configuring Mercury procedures in the Synergis Appliance Portal

2024-03-01Last updated

You must configure a procedure to define what actions to execute when a trigger event occurs.

Before you begin

Enroll a Mercury controller on the Synergis Cloud Link unit.

What you should know

The color of the procedure name indicates when there is an issue in the configuration:
The configuration was saved but something failed to resolve, stopping it from being synced to the Mercury controller. This can occur when related entities no longer exist or was not properly synced to the controller. When a procedure is orange, any linked triggers are also orange. The Mercury controller must be online to see this color.
Required information for the configuration is missing or invalid.


  1. Log on to the Synergis Cloud Link unit.
  2. Click Configuration > Mercury triggers and procedures .
  3. From the Select a controller list, select the controller for which you want to create a procedure.
  4. Click the Procedures tab.
  5. Click Add a procedure.
  6. In the Name field, enter a descriptive name for the procedure.
  7. Click Add an action.
    A drop-down appears in the Action column.
  8. Click the drop-down and select an action.
    For a list of the actions and their descriptions, see Action types for Mercury procedures.
    Different fields and buttons are displayed in the Source and Settings columns depending on the action you selected.
  9. If there is a field in the Source column, click Pencil beside the field, and then select a source from the list in the dialog box that opens.
  10. In the Settings column, configure the settings, as required.
  11. (Optional) Add more actions, as required.
  12. (Optional) Re-order the actions using the up and down arrows. The actions are executed in the order in which they appear in the procedure configuration.
  13. Click Save.


This procedure is configured with the Unlock door momentarily action, which unlocks the Main entrance door for 10 seconds after the trigger occurs.
Procedure configured on the Mercury triggers and procedures page in the Synergis Appliance Portal.

After you finish

  • Test the procedure before linking it to a trigger by clicking Green triangle beside the procedure Name field. If the procedure includes a Delay action, you can click Red square to stop the procedure during the delay and cancel the procedure.
    Note: The buttons are only displayed when the procedure has been successfully synced to the Mercury controller. The buttons are hidden if the controller is offline or there are unresolved fields in the procedure configuration. Click Refresh arrows beside the controller field to refresh the page.
  • Configure Mercury triggers in the Synergis Appliance Portal.