Action types for Mercury procedures

2024-03-01Last updated

Each Mercury procedure must contain one or more of the following actions.

Action Description
Arm/disarm zone Arm or disarm a hardware zone:
Mask all zone inputs. Inputs on activation do not transition to the alarm state.
If no inputs are active, arm the zone and unmask all inputs.
Force arm
Arm the zone but only unmask inactive inputs. Previously active inputs remain masked.
Override arm
Arm the zone and unmask all inputs.
Control procedure Control a Mercury procedure:
Execute the actions in the selected procedure.
Abort delayed
If the selected procedure is waiting on a Delay action, abort the procedure without completing its subsequent actions.
Resume delayed
If the selected procedure is waiting on a Delay action, skip the delay so that its subsequent actions can be executed.
Delay Cause the procedure to wait the configured number of seconds before proceeding with its subsequent actions.
Ignore door forced open Disable door forced open alarms for the door.
Ignore door held open Disable door held open alarms for the door.
Ignore monitor point alarms Masks the input, preventing it from entering an alarm state on activation.
Override reader LED Apply a temporary LED pattern to the reader. Configure the following:
  • On color
  • Off color
  • On time (ms)
  • Off time (ms)
  • Repeat (0-255)
  • Beep count (0-15)
Override reader mode Override the reader mode for the configured duration with one of the following reader modes:
Card reads and requests to exit are disabled and the door remains locked.
The door is unlocked.
Card reads are disabled but requests to exit still work.
Card only
Only cards are valid access credentials.
Card and PIN
Card and PIN are required for access.
Card or PIN
Cards or PINs are valid access credentials.
PIN only
Only PINs are valid access credentials.
Set control point Activate an output that is not assigned to a door strike.
Unlock door momentarily Unlock the door for the configured duration.