Configuring two OSDP readers per Mercury device

2024-08-23Last updated

The following Mercury devices can each support two OSDP readers: EP1501, LP1501, and MR51e. To enable this capability, you must configure both readers to use the first reader port on the Mercury device.

Before you begin

Configure the OSDP readers.

What you should know

  • On Mercury EP1501 and LP1501 controllers, the first port is terminal block TB2.
  • On Mercury MR51e downstream panels, the first port is terminal block TB3.
  • When you configure two OSDP readers on the first port, you cannot use the second port.
  • Mercury EP1501 and LP1501 must be enrolled without extension boards for the first port to be available for the two OSDP readers.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Access control task, and click the Roles and units view.
  2. From the entity tree, select the Synergis unit, and click the Peripherals tab.
  3. Double-click Reader 1, and configure the following settings:
    Type of reader
    Select OSDP 2.
    Baud rate
    Select a bit rate.
    Select the address you configured for the first reader.
  4. Repeat step 3 for Reader 2, using the address configured for the second reader.
    Selecting OSDP 2 for both readers automatically assigns both readers to the first port.
  5. (Optional - supported readers only) Ensure that the Secured option is set to ON.