Enabling escape and return mode on ASSA ABLOY IP locks with body type 8200 and monitored deadbolt

2024-10-21Last updated

To enable the escape and return mode on doors controlled by ASSA ABLOY IP locks, you must create a Boolean custom field named Escape Return for doors, and set it to TRUE on the doors on which you want to have this feature enabled.

Before you begin

The ASSA ABLOY IP locks that support the escape and return feature are the models with lock body 8200 and monitored deadbolt.
For example:
  • IN120 and IN220 8200 mortise lock with deadbolt. No other IN120 and IN220 locks support this feature.
  • Passport 1000 P2 mortise lock with deadbolt. No other Passport 1000 P2 locks support this feature.

What you should know

The Canadian fire code states that a door can never automatically relock. Therefore, when the escape and return feature is enabled, the following features are disabled.
  • Unlock schedules
  • Maintenance mode
  • Manual unlock from Security Desk
  • Temporarily override schedules from Security Desk

With the escape and return feature enabled, when a cardholder exits through a door, the door remains unlocked after it closes until the cardholder presents their access card to lock the door. If the cardholder doesn’t present their card to lock the door, the door remains unlocked while they are gone. When the cardholder returns, they must present their card to open the door. After they have entered, they must throw the deadbolt to lock the door.


  1. In Config Tool, create a Boolean type custom field for door entities and name it Escape Return.
    Note: Spell the name exactly as it’s written. Include the capital and lowercase letters, and the space.
  2. Open the Area view task and set the Escape Return custom field to TRUE for all doors where this feature must be enabled.
    Tip: If you need this feature enabled on many doors, we recommend using the Copy configuration tool.
  3. (Wi-Fi locks only) Trigger a radio wake-up to activate the escape and return feature on the lock.
    You can trigger a radio wake by removing the lock's cover and pressing the button, or by presenting a denied credential.
  4. Go through the escape and return mode cycle for a first time by exiting from a door, and by presenting a valid credential after the door closes.
    This causes the system to create the custom events that you can use to configure event-to-actions.
Two custom events are added to your system:
Escape Return Mode Start
Door unlocked by exiting or by entry with a valid credential.
Escape Return Mode End
Door locked with valid credential or by throwing deadbolt from the inner side of the door.