Hardening Axis controllers

2022-02-16Last updated

It is recommended to enable IP address filtering on the Axis controller to allow the IP addresses of the Synergis™ unit and of the admin workstation to connect to the controller.

Before you begin


  1. Log on to the Axis controller web portal.
    For more information, see the Axis documentation.
  2. Click Setup > Additional Controller Configuration > System Options > Security > IP Address Filter .
  3. Select the Enable IP address filtering option, and select Allow from the list.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. In the Filtered IP Addresses list, add the IP address of the Synergis unit and the IP address of the administrative workstation that must log on to the Axis controller web portal.
    IP Address Filtering page in the Axis controller web portal.
  6. Under System options, click Network > TCP/IP > Advanced , and disable both FTP server and RTSP server options.
    They are not used by Synergis™ Softwire.
  7. Click Save.