Configuring interface modules connected to the Synergis Cloud Link unit

2024-08-23Last updated

To establish communication between the Synergis™ Cloud Link unit and the connected interface modules, you must configure them in the Synergis™ Appliance Portal.


  1. Log on to the Synergis Cloud Link unit.
  2. Click Configuration > Hardware .
    The portal shows the hardware tree as three columns. The information displayed in each column varies depending on what you select in the previous column:
    Hardware configuration tree with the three columns expanded in the Synergis™ Appliance Portal.
    Your configured hardware manufacturers and the number of channels they use. Clicking a hardware manufacturer displays its channels in the second column.
    The channels of the manufacturer selected in the first column. Hovering over a channel displays the edit (Pencil), clone (Two squares overlapping), and delete (X) options.
    The interface modules connected to the channel selected in the second column.
  3. At the top of the Hardware column, click Add ().
  4. In the Add hardware dialog box, select the Hardware type, the Channel, and the rest of the interface module properties, which depend on the hardware type you selected.
    Add hardware dialog box showing different hardware type options in the Synergis Appliance Portal.
  5. In the same dialog box, add all interface modules connected to the same channel as follows:
    • To add the interface modules manually, click Add.
    • To discover the interface modules, click Scan.

      Interface modules from the same manufacturer and connected to the same channel must use the same baud rate and be configured with a different physical address to be added to the list.

  6. Click Save.
    The hardware type, channel, and interface modules you added are displayed in the hardware tree.
  7. For each interface module you added, select it from the hardware tree and click Pencil, then configure its settings in the window that opens.
    For the description of these settings, refer to the manufacturer’s documentation.
  8. At the bottom of the page, click Save.