2024-10-03Last updated
Multiple automation engine rules configured with the Door - Cardholder
authorized event can run at the same time. The automation engine mode determines which
rule's actions are triggered in this scenario.
What you should know
The automation engine mode only applies when you have multiple rules configured with
the following:
- The Door - Cardholder authorized event
- The same door
- Conditions
If no conditions are configured for a rule using the Door - Cardholder authorized
event, then rule behaves like one configured with the Door - Access granted
Log on to the
Synergis Cloud Link unit.
Click .
In the Automation engine mode section, select one of the following
- All rules
- This mode is selected by default. Access is granted only if the conditions of all
the Door - Cardholder authorized rules are met. All actions of those rules
are triggered.
- Any rules
- Access is granted if the conditions of at least one of the Door - Cardholder
authorized rules are met. The actions of the Door - Cardholder
authorized rules with all their conditions met are triggered.
Click Save.