About the automation engine feature

2024-02-07Last updated

Automation engine is the Synergis™ Softwire feature that executes rules, similar to event-to-actions in Security Center. Automation engine works even when the Synergis™ unit is disconnected from its Access Manager.

Note: An automation engine rule does not generate any action if the Synergis Cloud Link unit and its downstream device fail to communicate.

Automation engine rules are part of the Synergis Cloud Link unit's configuration files. It is recommended that you download these files after you finish configuring the rules, so that you can restore the configuration if you need to replace the unit.

Minimum requirements

  • Synergis Cloud Link 3.0.2
Note: Before Synergis Cloud Link 3.0.2, the automation engine feature was known as the primitive rule feature. Primitive rules configured in earlier versions of Synergis Cloud Link are automatically displayed on the Automation engine page in the Synergis™ Appliance Portal after upgrading to 3.0.2 or later.


Be aware of the following limitations for the automation engine feature:
  • The Copy configuration tool does not apply to this feature.
  • The Unit replacement tool does not apply to this feature.
  • Deleting a door that has automation engine rules applied to it does not automatically delete the configured automation engine rules.
  • The Synergis Cloud Link unit must be online to configure automation engine rules on the target unit.
  • Decimal values are not supported for the pulse interval of the Output - Pulse action.
  • The minimum security clearance configured on an area in Security Center overwrites the minimum security clearance activated by an automation engine rule.