Configuring auxiliary event logging in the cloud for the Synergis Cloud Link unit

2024-04-17Last updated

Configure your Synergis™ Cloud Link unit to connect to an Azure Application Insights resource, so that logs can be stored in the cloud in addition to being stored on the unit itself. This can simplify analyzing logs and running monitoring tools on them.


  1. Log on to the Synergis Cloud Link unit.
  2. Click Configuration > Synergis Softwire logging .
  3. In the Synergis Softwire logging section, click the Cloud view, and then select Azure Application Insights.
  4. Select a Logging level.
  5. In the Instrumentation key field, enter the instrumentation key of the Application Insights resource that you want to send logs to.
    Options you must configure to send logs to the cloud on the Synergis Softwire logging page in the Synergis Appliance Portal.
  6. Click Save.