Cleaning up storage on the Synergis Cloud Link appliance

2024-05-01Last updated

Ensure that you have sufficient space on your Synergis™ Cloud Link appliance before installing updates or new firmware. You can verify how much space is available and perform storage cleanups on your appliance from the Storage page of the Synergis™ Appliance Portal.


  1. Log on to the Synergis Cloud Link unit.
  2. Click Maintenance > Storage .
    Storage and Cleanup sections on the Storage page of the Synergis Appliance Portal.
  3. Select the following:
    Delete archived and obsolete logs
    When you start this cleanup, archived and obsolete Synergis Softwire logs are deleted.
    Delete Mercury SCP logs
    When you start this cleanup, all archived Mercury SCP logs are deleted.
  4. Click Start cleanup.