Running DIP switch command codes

2024-11-01Last updated

Synergis™ Cloud Link includes four CODE DIP switches on the front of the appliance. They allow you to run command codes, which can apply certain configurations and reset settings.


  1. Select a command code to run. For more information, see DIP switch command codes.
  2. Enter the code with the DIP switches on the appliance.
  3. Press and hold the command code button for 1 second.
    Synergis Cloud Link CODE DIP switches and command entry button.
    The Information LED () confirms that the code was recognized.
    LED name LED color Description
    Information () Orange: solid 3 seconds DIP switch code recognized
    Red: 3 blinks DIP switch code not recognized
  4. To avoid an accidental configuration change, set the DIP switches to ON ON ON ON.
    Note: There is no action associated with this code, making it a safe state when configuration is complete.