Configuring the network properties

2024-05-10Last updated

To make sure the Synergis™ Cloud Link unit can be reached on your Security Center system’s network, you must configure the unit's network properties.

What you should know

The Synergis Cloud Link unit comes with a factory-assigned hostname. If your network does not support DHCP, you must assign the unit a new IP address.


  1. Log on to the Synergis Cloud Link unit.
  2. Click Configuration > Network .
  3. (Optional) In the Hostname section, change the Hostname if required.
    Hostname and Access Manager settings on the Network page of the Synergis Appliance Portal.
    Best Practice: Hostnames must be unique on a network, and the default hostname is guaranteed to be unique. We therefore recommend that you keep the default hostname, which is found on the appliance's label.
  4. In the Access Manager settings section, change the Discovery port if necessary.
  5. In the Network settings section, select the LAN1 or LAN2 as the network interface used to connect the Synergis Cloud Link unit to its Access Manager, and then configure the Synergis Cloud Link unit’s IP address and network properties.
    Important: To avoid network issues, strict rules must be followed when configuring the unit's network properties:
    • If the unit is not on the same network segment as the Access Manager, then the unit's IP address must be set to Static IP or DHCP with Static IP allocation.
    • LAN1 and LAN2 should not be on the same subnet. If they are, only one of them should be configured with a default gateway.
    Network and network time settings in the Synergis Appliance Portal.
  6. In the Network time section, configure the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server if one is available.
    1. Click Use network time and enter the NTP server name.
    Best Practice: An NTP server offers greater time accuracy than the built-in protocol that synchronizes the Synergis Cloud Link units with their Access Manager. Therefore, use the network time whenever an NTP server is available on your network. All Security Center servers and workstations must be synchronized to the same NTP server as your Synergis Cloud Link appliances.
  7. In the 802.1X authentication section, select the LAN you want to use for 802.1X authentication and select the authentication mode.
    Note: If you configured these settings once, their current values are displayed. If you need to change a value, you must re-enter all values. Otherwise, your change will not be saved.
    The 802.1X authentication is disabled by default.
    Use the Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP).
    Enter the EAP identity (username) and Password, and upload the CA certificate.
    Note: The CA certificate must be a PEM or DER file.
    802.1X authentication settings with PEAP selected on the Network page of the Synergis Appliance Portal.
    Use the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol.
    Enter the EAP identity (username), upload the CA certificate, Client certificate, and Client private key, and enter the Client private key password.
    Note: The CA certificate must be a PEM or DER file.
    802.1X authentication settings with TLS selected on the Network page of the Synergis Appliance Portal.
  8. Click Save.
The Synergis Cloud Link unit restarts, and you are automatically redirected to the unit's new IP address.

If you have enabled network time, the unit synchronizes with the NTP server 45 seconds after the setting is enabled, and then every 15 minutes.